Online shopping is very different than shopping at a local brick and mortar store and this is especially true when purchasing larger ticket items like furniture. Read the following tips below and see if online shopping is the right choice for you.
What kind of delivery and installation do you expect or require when purchasing your furniture? When purchasing online, there might be limited delivery services available for you. Most online stores only offer an inside delivery. If you are ordering a large set that is delivered curbside, you will need help getting the items inside. If you can’t find people to help you bring it inside, you might want to consider ordering locally where they can offer an inside delivery. Most items will also require assembly. If you’re nervous about having to build furniture, it is important to find out how much assembly is required before you purchase the item. If the assembly seems more than you’re able to take on, purchasing the items online may not be a great option for you.
Some people shop with style in mind, while others shop for comfort. Shopping online gives you many more options. However, as great as technology is, you still can’t use it to physically feel the products. Our customer service reps do their best to answer all questions but there are certain questions that even we can’t answer. If you need a very firm or very soft couch, or if you know you love the feel of some imitation suede but hate the feel of others, there is really no way for you to find out of an item fits those needs unless you can see them in person. If being able judge an items quality by touching and feeling it is important to you, you will probably have a hard time with online furniture shopping.
When ordering from a local store, there is a good chance you can see the furniture before you buy. It also means there is a small transit time to deliver the items. In the unfortunate case of receiving damaged furniture, it is easier for them to schedule a pickup and drop off the replacement items. For online companies, we often ship items cross country, which means a longer transit time. Although we work as hard as we can to complete your order as fast as possible, when we have to send out replacement items it can take much longer than it would if ordered locally. Often times, it might be better to keep an item with just a small nick or mark instead of going through the potentially lengthy process of ordering a placement. If every minor scuff is going to drive you crazy, purchasing an item in person and bringing it home yourself might be a better option for you than online furniture shopping.