There are some serious movie buffs out there. If you’re not one of them, you undoubtedly know of one who has a collection so large, it has to be categorized and cataloged.
Well, to each his own, right? For all of you who would prefer a timeless film such as Casablanca over a classic novel like War and Peace, this Barrister Tower by Prepac is your Library of Alexandria.
Serious home collectors may now begin rejoicing. This eight-tiered shelving unit has space for both CD’s and DVD’s. The shelves are adjustable to accommodate any type of media you need to store.
The Barrister Tower by Prepac comes RTA (ready-to-assemble), which allows you to save a bundle in costs.
So you say you’re not about to enter the DVD rental business? That’s acceptable. The Barrister tower comes in double and single column variations.
The adjustable shelving allows for room to store photos, artwork, movie memorabilia and other items to fill in the gaps as your collection continues to grow.
So no matter what your level of movie obsession may be, there is a stylish and affordable option available.