
Cafe Noir Oval Étagère by Butler
Cafe Noir Oval Étagère by Butler

Unless you speak French, the odds of pronouncing this  properly is slim. Properly pronouncing it, however, is not what’s important. Oh, and it’s ā-tä-ˈzher (in the rare chance that made it any easier).

What is important, is knowing what an étagère is and how it can benefit your home.

Originating in France, the étagère inspired the design of a popular British shelving unit used to store knick-knacks and other small collectibles.

The étagère is usually found in traditionally designed homes due to its old European influence.

Have a lot of small items that hold too many cherished memories, but have no place to put them? The étagère may be the solution.

Often a work of art in and of itself, the étagère is the perfect base for the photos of fond memories, small potted plants and other items that have a mysterious way of adding warmth to the home.

If you still can’t pronounce it when you’re ready to purchase one. Just print out a picture, show it to the salesperson and smile. They’ll understand.