Not Your Grandmother’s Curio

Oxford Black Curio by Pulaski

Contemporary furniture design seems to be pushing some traditional furnishings out of the foreground. Obviously, a lot of that is to be expected, as it’s impossible to move forward if you’re always looking behind you. At least it wouldn’t be safe or advisable to do so.

There are times, however, when it is difficult to do a complete about-face concerning anything. Not to mention things we’ve grown accustomed to.

This is where modern furniture truly fulfills its purpose.

There are a number of old-fashioned, traditional types of furniture that could easily be considered out-dated and no longer useful. In the same vein, there are a number of people who aren’t especially receptive to the space-age concepts that are

The curio cabinet is a great example of  a grandmotherly furniture element and the Oxford Black Curio by Pulaski is proof that there is a middle ground.

The sleek lines and wide glass panels brings your cherished items into the future, without going too far into it.

It’s OK if you haven’t purged your home of all “unnecessary” knick-knacks and other collectible or treasured items. Modern curios are available that don’t feature curvy lines, ornate carvings, antiqued ornaments and vintage, distressed finishes.

Explore modern furniture that allows you to maintain your old-fashioned ideas in a sensible and fashionable manner.