Take a stroll down the aisles of any hardware or home improvement store’s paint section and you’ll see a number of different brushes, rollers and the like; all design to create a different effect on the finished wall.
As with many objects, techniques and materials, there are almost always alternatives to the most commonly accepted methods.
Specialty paint brushes, sponges and rollers are no exception. There are a number of everyday household items you could use to achieve the same effect.
While the items aren’t unusually expensive, they just aren’t always necessary. Besides, it’s a lot more intriguing to dig around the house and finding your own objects to use.
Items that will provide different effects are everywhere. For starters, check the bathroom, kitchen and garage. Any item with a distinct shape, pattern or layered texture will create an one-of-a kind finish.
Even the brushes you already own can be altered to achieve different strokes. Using scissors, trim the brushes at an angle for varying outcomes.
Bath sponges, toilet brushes and even the plunger (all clean and/or new, of course) will provide unique shapes and patterned effects.
As with making anything your own, remember that there are no rules. Especially when it comes to paint. Don’t like it? Wait until it dries and paint over it. Just have fun.