Spring Cleaning – Part 3

Daisy II Dining Set by Homelegance

If you’ve been following the series, you know that Spring cleaning is well underway. This series has been all about providing helpful guides, to-dos and tips for getting your home into tip-top shape for the year.

The first ‘Spring Cleaning‘ addressed window treatments, washing windows, furniture, appliances and safety checks. ‘Spring Cleaning-Part 2‘ covered baseboards, door frames, bedrooms, bathrooms and kitchens.

The following are a few more Spring cleaning suggestions:


Being organized leads to stress-free living at home and what better time is there than now to dive in, see what’s necessary and put it in its proper place. Before going into a room with the intent to organize, have a box labeled for items you wish to donate, another for items fit for a garage sale and a large garbage bag for the rest.

Sliding Door Tracks

While these can be easy to overlook, the amount of dirt and grime that can accumulate there can be off-putting. Use a dry toothbrush to break up the debris before removing it with a vacuum hose. Wipe out what remains with a wet sponge.


Some manufacturers state that the carpet needs to be cleaned professionally every year to year-and-a-half in order to maintain the warranty. If that’s not the case, there are professional-style models that can be purchased or rented. Carpet cleaning is a good task to outsource if your Spring cleaning checklist is overwhelming.